Bust of a Woman


Ready to give another birth to “Bust of a Woman” masterpiece by Pablo Picasso in a string (thread) art version for your home/office decoration? If yes, then we will take care of the rest 😎

Here’s how to order “Bust of a Woman” masterpiece string art:

  1. Select your desire “Artwork Type”  (MDF, Canvas, Canvas with painting), and “Dimension” (Medium, Large), then add to cart.
  2. Proceed and complete your order to receive an email confirmation.


This artwork (“Bust of a Woman” string art) lives on both, a white polished MDF board and a canvas, embraced with a number of equally spaced nails. It is a single string that runs continuously from one nail to another, with optionally some painting behind the thread (only on the Canvas artwork)! This artwork gives another birth to “Bust of a Woman” masterpiece by Pablo Picasso, but this time it is a thread art  ❤


MyZigzagArt Masterpiece Collections' MDF / Canvas Sizes

An awesome mixture of painting behind with the string art in front! A perfect spotlight for your home or office decoration.

  • Available MDF/Canvas Dimensions (cm): 50×70, 60×80

So what our artwork consists of?

What this MyZigzagArt (String Art) consists of?

  1. A white polished MDF board/canvas
  2. Nails
  3. A single string
  4. Painting behind the string on the canvas by our artists (Optional)

Now how we do it?

How we do this MyZigzagArt (String Art)?

  1. We hammer the nails around the canvas (For MDF boards, we first cut and polish the board)
  2. We start painting and pouring some colors on the canvas in order to give life to the art (Optional)
  3. Now the magic happens with a single string in order to blow soul to the living art

And how you get it?

How you get MyZigzagArt (String Art)?

After your order is submitted, it’ll be put in our orders queue until our artists take care of it (max 3 weeks based on our order traffics). Then your gift is ready, so we package and deliver it right to your door. And yes, delivery is 100% free across Europe 🚀💃

P.S if we already had the physical string art ready in our closets, only the packaging and sending the artwork phases are undone; so your gift will be in your hands even sooner! Thanks for your patience and support.

Pre-made Artwork (Masterpiece Collection) FAQ

Will you use the combination of string art and painting technique on MDF artworks?
Nope! We cannot have the combination of string art and painting technique option for the MDF artworks! Because obviously a clean painting cannot be done on a MDF board!

Why MDF artworks are more expensive than canvas artworks?
Preparing MDF boards from cutting and polishing the boards, to connecting hangers at the back of the boards, they all take much more effort and time when compared to canvases! Multiple steps must be done for MDF boards first, before they get to the phase that canvases are already standing there! Apart from that, MDF board itself is more expensive than canvas. Despite of all of these difficulties, we still offer MDF boards for our artworks! Because according to our analytics and feedbacks, most of the people love MDF boards over canvases, because they feel more luxury maybe? Anyway, we love both, MDF & Canvas artworks! They are all our children ❤

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A


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