Using the “String Art DIY” mobile app and like to weave the thread art of your own custom photo (not using the app’s pattern library)? If yes, you can hire our artists (inside of the app) to prepare your string art pattern for you. They will enhance your photo by putting a few hours of work into your photo to prepare it (for best weaving results and highest quality) before the app’s algorithm starts to digitize it.
Continue reading Hire our artists to prepare your patterns before weaving using the “String Art DIY” app for highest qualityCategory: Tutorials
How to choose the best photos for string art
Like to order one of our custom artworks? Well, for such orders you will be asked to upload your photo in the checkout page, one step before completing your ordering process. So in this article we’re going to see how to choose an appropriate picture and what are the best photos for string art 😎
Continue reading How to choose the best photos for string art