Custom zigzag on MDF board


Ready to turn your photo into a custom string (thread) art? If yes, then we will take care of the rest 😎

Here’s how to order custom art on white polished MDF board:

  1. Select your desire “Art Shape”  (Square [Foursquare, Hexagonal, Octagonal, Circle], Rectangle), and “Dimension” (Medium, Large), then add to cart.
  2. In the check out page, there’s a green button to upload your photo. (Read this blog post to know what photos work the best)
  3. After selecting the photo, wait a few seconds for the photo to be uploaded. Page will refresh and shows you that the photo is submitted.
  4. Proceed and complete your order to receive an email confirmation.


This artwork (string art) lives on a white polished MDF board, embraced with a number of equally spaced nails. It is a single string that runs continuously from one nail to another, in order to give birth to an amazing artwork that approximates the photo you provided in the first place ❤

Sizes & colors?

MyZigzagArt (String Art) MDF Sizes & String Colors

Well, it’s all about love and passion! Based on your photo, and your home or office decoration, you decide in what color and dimension your string art should be!

  • Available MDF Dimensions (cm): 70×70, 80×80, 50×70, 60×80
  • Available String Colors: Black, Brown, Red, Green, Blue

Like to get some inspirations? Please feel free to take a look around our website, blog posts, or our Instagram page! We’re positive that ideas would flow into your mind about the possibilities of our artworks and the way they help you in the interior design of your home or office.

MDF Art Shapes?

MyZigzagArt (String Art) MDF Art Shapes

When art meets tech, magic happens! Our smart dedicated algorithm converts your photos into variety of geometric string art shapes, and provides its results to our artists, so that they can weave the results and make digital binary data, a real world artwork that can be hang on your walls! So you can simply choose what geometric shape you like the best for your art.

  • Available MDF Art Shapes: Circle, Hexagonal, Octagonal, Vertical/Horizontal Rectangle, Foursquare

So what our artwork (string art) consists of?

What MDF MyZigzagArt (String Art) consists of?

  1. A white polished MDF board
  2. Nails
  3. A single string

Now how we do it?

How we do MDF MyZigzagArt (String Art)?

  1. We cut and polish our MDF board
  2. Hammer the nails around the board
  3. Render your photo with our smart dedicated algorithm (Digital Phase)
  4. Now the magic happens with a single string (Handmade Phase)

And how you get it?

How you get MyZigzagArt (String Art)?

  1. After your order is submitted, we will get back to you (max 2 working days) to notify you if your submitted photo is appropriate based on our algorithm or not (Digital Phase).
  2. When we contact you regarding your submitted photo:
    a. If your photo is not approved by our team: We provide you guidelines on how to send a better photo.
    b. If your photo is approved by our team: Well, our artists take care of weaving it (Handmade Phase).
  3. When your gift is ready (max 3 weeks based on our order traffics), we package and deliver it right to your door. And yes, delivery is 100% free across Europe 🚀💃

Custom Zigzag on MDF boards FAQ

What photos of mine are more suitable for the custom artworks?
If you like the string art of your logo, a simplified version of your logo suites us the best. And if you’re going to have your portrait in thread art, a bright and close up photo of yours is better. You can read this blog post to know what photos work the best.

Where can I upload my photo when ordering my custom artwork?
When you select your desired options and click “add to card” button here on this page, when you continue, in the check out page, there’s a green button to upload your photo. Just click the green button, select your photo, and wait a few seconds for the photo to be uploaded. Then page will refresh and shows you that the photo is submitted.

Will you use the combination of string art and painting technique on custom MDF artworks?
Nope! We cannot have the combination of string art and painting technique option for the MDF artworks! Because obviously a clean painting cannot be done on a MDF board! But instead of that, we provide variety of geometric string art shapes for your artworks on the MDF boards.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A


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